sábado, 7 de fevereiro de 2015

To do list

Bought some furniture... Check!
Done some paperwork... Check!
What's next?!

I was actually trying to relax, watching some movie on my laptop. But got agitated, always tossing and turning on the couch. It turns out I was feeling wet! Begun to touch myself, slowly at first. With just the tip of my fingers, circuling my wet skin between my spread legs. Feeling the desire rising, the hunger spiking. Touched myself 'til I cum. As it was your fingers on me....

7 comentários:

  1. dedos...dez pequenos filamentos servos dos nossos mais intimos desejos e prazeres...quem melhor que eles nos conhecem...sabem como nos devem apertar...entendem quando nos devem tocar...reconhecem quando devem se movimentar...sejamos homem ou mulher há momentos em que eles são o nosso/nossa melhor amante!
    E a mobilia...ai! como a mobilia é importante em certos loucas e sádias ocasiões....ai...pensamentos profanos estes

    1. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

    2. Wise and dedicated fingers know how and when to touch, no need to pinch ;-)
      And you broke the only rule of this "house" :P


    3. That's very true! Sometimes is important to broke the rules and don't forget were are we coming from. The moment described perhaps was not yet NYC influence...or I am completely wrong and you have find already an angel meriting that thoughts!!!

    4. My dear... I know rules are meant to be broken at least once. But I just got this one particular rule that I want to leave unbroken.
      As for who was on my thoughts... who knows?! ;)


  2. Respostas
    1. I agree! And I've had more of this breaks since friday ;)

